Config File
Last updated
Last updated
Config = {
Locale = "en",
RemoveStress = function(stress) -- Your remove stress event/export (Client) [Optional]
TriggerServerEvent("hud:server:RelieveStress", stress)
Evidence = function(status, duration) -- Your evidence event/export (Client) [Optional]
-- Duration is in seconds
if status == "weedsmell" then
TriggerEvent("evidence:client:SetStatus", status, duration)
elseif status == "widepupils" then
TriggerEvent("evidence:client:SetStatus", status, duration)
elseif status == "redeyes" then
TriggerEvent("evidence:client:SetStatus", status, duration)
PoliceAlert = function(coords) -- Your police alert event/export (Client)
TriggerServerEvent("police:server:policeAlert", "Coke Delivery in progress")
Read the guide on how to add more locations on the Documentation.
Config.PlaneLocations = { -- Locations to deliver coke, add more if needed
planeModel = "dodo", -- Model of plane
target = { -- Target/ Press E Location to init delivery
label = Loc[Config.Locale].target["StartPlaneDelivery"], -- Label for location
icon = "fas fa-plane", -- Icon for location
coords = vector4(456.11, 5566.4, 781.18, 92.37),
width = 2.0,
length = 2.0,
blip = { -- Blip for location at coords
enabled = true,
name = Loc[Config.Locale].target["StartPlaneDelivery"],
sprite = 51,
scale = 0.7,
col = 30,
ped = { -- spawn peds at init delivery location
enabled = true,
coords = vector4(456.11, 5566.4, 781.18, 92.37),
model = "s_m_m_doctor_01",
flightLocations = { -- Where Planes may spawn and need to be delivered to by chance, add more if needed
start = {
cokeTable = vector4(2128.97, 4778.26, 40.97, 132.32), -- Location of coke table to collect coke bricks from
plane = vector4(2133.0, 4785.41, 40.78, 26.4), -- Where plane will spawn
finish = {
ped = vector4(1700.72, 3286.77, 41.15, 201.88), -- Ped to deliver to
plane = vector4(1702.45, 3273.56, 41.16, 238.97), -- Where to park plane
start = {
cokeTable = vector4(1729.82, 3322.67, 41.22, 11.41),
plane = vector4(1732.21, 3307.29, 42.03, 195.98),
finish = {
ped = vector4(2097.78, 4774.58, 41.14, 151.24),
plane = vector4(2092.76, 4768.21, 41.21, 262.15),
minPlaneHealthRequired = {body = 750, engine = 750}, -- Minimum health required to receive items below
receive = { -- Receive items per delivery, you can add more items if needed
["coke_brick"] = math.random(1, 2), -- How much Coke Brick you recieve every delivery
policeAlert = { -- Police alert for location
enabled = true, -- true = Enable this feature, false = No alerts
onPlaneAltitude = 70, -- Altitude of plane to trigger alert
time = 30, -- How often does police get location of vehicle, in Seconds
cooldown = { -- Cooldown for location
enabled = true, -- true = Enable this feature, false = No cooldown
time = 30, -- Cooldown time in Minutes
Read the guide on how to add more locations on the Documentation.
Config.ProcessingLocations = {
target = { -- Target/ Press E Location for Processing Location
label = Loc[Config.Locale].target["ProcessingCocaine"],
icon = "fas fa-flask", -- For Target Only
coords = vector4(1093.21, -3195.64, -38.93, 0),
width = 2.0,
length = 2.0,
blip = { -- Blip for location at coords
enabled = true,
name = Loc[Config.Locale].target["ProcessingCocaine"],
sprite = 51,
scale = 0.7,
col = 30,
requiredItem = "coke_blueprint", -- Required item to process or false
crafting = { -- Crafting data
Items = { -- Items to allow craft and its recipe
{ item = "coke_1oz", recipe = { ["coke_brick"] = 1}, amount = math.random(25, 30) },
{ item = "coke_1oz", recipe = { ["coke_brick"] = 3}, amount = math.random(60, 85) },
Menu = { -- Menu data
header = Loc[Config.Locale].menu["Cocaine"], -- Menu header
Progress = { -- Progress Bar data
label = Loc[Config.Locale].progress["Processing"],
time = 15,
animation = { animDict = "anim@amb@business@coc@coc_unpack_cut_left@", anim = "coke_cut_v5_coccutter" },
target = {
label = Loc[Config.Locale].target["CocaineCutting"],
icon = "fas fa-flask",
coords = vector4(1086.43, -3197.23, -37.9, 93.9),
width = 2.0,
length = 2.0,
blip = {
enabled = false,
name = Loc[Config.Locale].target["CocaineCutting"],
sprite = 51,
scale = 0.7,
col = 30,
requiredItem = false,
crafting = {
Items = {
{ item = "coke_baggy", recipe = { ["coke_1oz"] = 5, ["empty_weed_bag"] = 100, }, amount = math.random(90, 100) },
Menu = {
header = Loc[Config.Locale].menu["CocaineCutting"],
Progress = {
label = Loc[Config.Locale].progress["Processing"],
time = 15,
animation = { animDict = "amb@prop_human_parking_meter@female@base", anim = "base_female" },
target = {
label = Loc[Config.Locale].target["ProcessingCrack"],
icon = "fas fa-flask",
coords = vector4(2438.01, 4975.88, 46.98, 314.0),
width = 2.0,
length = 2.0,
blip = {
enabled = true,
name = Loc[Config.Locale].target["ProcessingCrack"],
sprite = 51,
scale = 0.7,
col = 30,
requiredItem = false,
crafting = {
Items = {
{ item = "crack_baggy", recipe = { ["coke_1oz"] = 1, ["bakingpowder"] = 15, ["empty_weed_bag"] = 40, }, amount = math.random(35, 40) },
{ item = "crack_baggy", recipe = { ["coke_baggy"] = 5, ["bakingpowder"] = 2, ["empty_weed_bag"] = 9, }, amount = math.random(7, 9) },
Menu = {
header = Loc[Config.Locale].menu["Crack"],
Progress = {
label = Loc[Config.Locale].progress["Processing"],
time = 7,
animation = { animDict = "amb@prop_human_bbq@male@base", anim = "base" },
-- Credit for props:
Built in Effects:
- StaminaEffect(time(sec)) -- Gives player stamina for time in seconds.
Each Consumable can have... ALL OPTIONAL
- Armour = int -- Amount of armour to give player
- Stress = int -- Amount of stress to remove from player
- Hunger = int -- Amount of hunger to remove from player
- Thirst = int -- Amount of thirst to remove from player
- RequiredItems = {["item"] = int} -- Required items to use the consumable
- RemoveItem = bool -- Remove the item after use
- Progress = { -- Progress bar settings
label = string, -- Label of the progress bar
time = int, -- Time in seconds to complete the progress
animation = {task = string}, -- Animation to play while doing the progress
animationInCar = { animDict = string, anim = string}, -- Optional Animation in car
animationOptions = { Prop = string, PropBone = int, PropPlacement = {x, y, z, xRot, yRot, zRot}, EmoteMoving = bool, EmoteLoop = bool, EmoteStuck = bool}, -- Prop to attach to player
- Success = function() -- Function to run when progress is successful
Config.Consumables = {
crack_baggy = {
Armour = 5,
Stress = 30,
RemoveItem = true,
RequiredItems = {["lighter"] = 1},
Progress = {
label = Loc[Config.Locale].progress["Smoking"],
time = 10,
disableCombat = true,
animation = {animDict = "switch@trevor@trev_smoking_meth",anim = "trev_smoking_meth_loop"},
animationOptions = { EmoteMoving = true, EmoteLoop = true,},
Success = function()
-- Anything you want to do when the progress is successful
Config.Evidence("redeyes", 200)
Config.Evidence('widepupils', 300)
Cancelled = function()
-- Anything you want to do when the progress is cancelled
Ez_lib.Shared.TriggerNotify(nil, Loc[Config.Locale].error["cancelled"], "error")
coke_baggy = {
Armour = 20,
Stress = 10,
RemoveItem = true,
Progress = {
label = Loc[Config.Locale].progress["Sniffing"],
time = 5,
disableCombat = true,
animation = {animDict = "switch@trevor@trev_smoking_meth",anim = "trev_smoking_meth_loop"},
animationOptions = { EmoteMoving = true, EmoteLoop = true,},
Success = function()
-- Anything you want to do when the progress is successful
Config.Evidence('widepupils', 300)
Cancelled = function()
-- Anything you want to do when the progress is cancelled
Ez_lib.Shared.TriggerNotify(nil, Loc[Config.Locale].error["cancelled"], "error")
Baging drugs into empty bags to become usable or sold.
Config.BagUsables = { -- Use the item and change it to something else
coke_1oz = {
RequiredItems = {["drug_scales"] = 1}, -- Required item to use
RemoveItem = true, -- Removes original item[coke_1oz] (true) or not (false)
GiveItem = {item = "coke_baggy", amount = 25}, -- Item to give
Progress = {
label = "Scalling Coke into bags",
time = 5, -- Time in seconds
animation = {
animDict = 'amb@prop_human_parking_meter@female@base', -- Animation dictonary
anim = 'base_female', -- Animation
animationOptions = {EmoteMoving = true, EmoteLoop = true,}
ResourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()