Config File
A copy of the config file is here
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A copy of the config file is here
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Config = {}
Config.DevMode = true -- Enable DevMode adds commands
Config.SaveInterval = 10 -- Minutes (Recommended: 10)
Config.UpdateInterval = { -- Update Temp, Food and Water
Time = 1, -- Minutes every update (Recommended: 1)
Effect = { -- Regular changes every update
Thirst = -2.0, -- Decreases every update
Hunger = -1.0, -- Decreases every update
Stress = 0, -- Increases every update
Temperature = { -- Temperature Changes (Celcius)
Min = -12, -- Minimum Temperature
Max = 50, -- Maximum Temperature
Effect = { -- Temperature Effects: How below or above the min/max temperature affects the player
Thirst = -2.0, -- Thirst Decrease
Stress = 2.0, -- Stress Increase
Hunger = -2.0, -- Hunger Decrease
Clothing = { -- Clothes give extra protection against the temperature (Increases Temp)
Hat = 0.7,
Shirt = 1,
Pants = 1,
Boots = 0.7,
Coat = 3,
ClosedCoat = 5,
Gloves = 0.7,
Vest = 1,
Poncho = 2,
Waist = { -- Waist size affects the temperature
["-10"] = -1.0, -- Skinny
["-9"] = -0.9,
["-8"] = -0.8,
["-7"] = -0.7,
["-6"] = -0.6,
["-5"] = -0.5,
["-4"] = -0.4,
["-3"] = -0.3,
["-2"] = -0.2,
["-1"] = -0.1,
["0"] = 0, -- Normal
["1"] = 0.1,
["2"] = 0.2,
["3"] = 0.3,
["4"] = 0.4,
["5"] = 0.5,
["6"] = 0.6,
["7"] = 0.7,
["8"] = 0.8,
["9"] = 0.9,
["10"] = 1.0, -- Fat
Config.Health = { -- Health Changes (Health is out of 100)
Time = 5, -- Seconds every update (Recommended: 5)
Effect = -8, -- Health Decrease every update if conditions are met below
Hunger = { -- Food Health Changes
Min = 0, -- Minimum Food Level
Thirst = { -- Water Health Changes
Min = 0, -- Minimum Water Level
Temperature = { -- Temperature Health Changes
Min = -12, -- Minimum Temperature
Max = 50, -- Maximum Temperature
Config.Stress = {
Horse = { -- Horse Stress
Enabled = true, -- Enable Horse Stress
Interval = 1, -- Stress Increase Interval (Seconds)
Speed = 20, -- Speed(MPH) of the horse when to increase stress. When it is greater or equal too..
Chance = 70, -- Chance of stress increase (1-100)%
Increase = 0.2, -- Stress Increase
WhitelistedJobs = { -- Jobs which do not take stress
["police"] = true,
["doctor"] = true
WhitelistedGroups = { -- Character groups which do not take stress
["example1"] = true,
Shooting = { -- Shooting Stress (Runs every 0-100ms REQUIRED TO DETECT)
Enabled = true, -- Enable Shooting Stress
Chance = 10, -- Chance of stress increase (1-100)%
Increase = 1, -- Stress Increase
MinimumStress = 50, -- Minimum Stress Level For Screen Shaking/ Blacking out (Blackout only when stress is 100)
Intensity = { -- Stress Intensity: Screen Shaking
[1] = {min = 50, max = 60, intensity = 0.12},
[2] = {min = 60, max = 70, intensity = 0.17},
[3] = {min = 70, max = 80, intensity = 0.22},
[4] = {min = 80, max = 90, intensity = 0.28},
[5] = {min = 90, max = 100, intensity = 0.32}
EffectInterval = { -- Stress Effect Interval: How often the screen shakes
[1] = {min = 50, max = 60, timeout = math.random(50000, 60000)},
[2] = {min = 60, max = 70, timeout = math.random(40000, 50000)},
[3] = {min = 70, max = 80, timeout = math.random(30000, 40000)},
[4] = {min = 80, max = 90, timeout = math.random(20000, 30000)},
[5] = {min = 90, max = 100, timeout = math.random(15000, 20000)}
-- Metabolism is between -1000(skinny) to 1000(fat), 0 is normal and default for new character.
Config.Metabolism = {
Time = 5, -- Check interval (Seconds)
Running = -0.5, -- How much to increase (Decrease if negative) the metabolism when running
notRunning = -0.2, -- How much to increase (Decrease if negative) the metabolism when not running
WaistTypes = {
["-10"] = -2045421226, -- Skinny
["-9"] = -1745814259,
["-8"] = -325933489,
["-7"] = -1065791927,
["-6"] = -844699484,
["-5"]= -1273449080,
["-4"] = 927185840,
["-3"] = 149872391,
["-2"] = 399015098,
["-1"] = -644349862,
["0"] = 1745919061, -- Normal
["1"] = 1004225511,
["2"] = 1278600348,
["3"] = 502499352,
["4"] = -2093198664,
["5"] = -1837436619,
["6"] = 1736416063,
["7"] = 2040610690,
["8"] = -1173634986,
["9"] = -867801909,
["10"] = 1960266524, -- Fat