Config File
Last updated
Last updated
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false -- Set to false to disable debug messages
Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- "qb-core" or "es_extended" or "other"
Config.Target = "qb-target" -- "none" or "ox_target" or "qb-target", etc
Config.Inventory = "new-qb-inventory" -- "ox_inventory" or "new-qb-inventory" or "qb-inventory" or "qs-inventory" or "codem-inventory", etc
Config.SQL = "oxmysql" -- "oxmysql" or "ghmattimysql" or "mysql-async", etc
Config.Menu = { -- or other(Update the menu.lua file)
Menu = "qb", -- "ox" or "qb"
Input = "qb", -- "ox" or "qb"
} -- If you do not have Ox_lib, remove it from fxmanifest.lua
--- Funtion to notify user
---@param: message: The message you want to send to user
---@param: type: The type of notification you want to send to user
---@param: src: The source of the player you want to send notification to
Config.TriggerNotify = function(title, message, type, src)
--[[if not src then exports['okokNotify']:Alert(title, message, 6000, type)
else TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', src, title, message, 6000, type) end]]
if not src then TriggerEvent("QBCore:Notify", message, type)
else TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify", src, message, type) end
DebugPrint("Notify", message)
--- Function give vehicle keys
--- @param veh integer The vehicle to give keys
--- @param src integer The source of the player to give keys
--- @usage Config.GiveVehicleKeys(veh, src)
Config.GiveVehicleKeys = function(veh, src)
if not src then TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", GetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh))
else TriggerClientEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", src, GetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh)) end
--- Function to print debug messages
--- @param name string The name of the debug message
--- @param info string The information of the debug message
--- @usage Config.DebugPrint("name", "info")
function DebugPrint(name, info)
if not info then info = "nil" end
if Config.Debug then print("^5Debug^7: ^2""^7: '^6""^7'") end
Config.DebugPrint = DebugPrint
--- Client Side Functions
--- Function to show UI to open stash in its zone
--- @param label string The label to show
Config.ShowUI = function(label)
exports['qb-core']:DrawText("<b>[E] "..label.."</b>", 'left')
--- Function to hide UI to open stash in its zone
Config.HideUI = function()
--- Set Fuel Function
--- @param veh integer The vehicle to set fuel
--- @param fuel integer The fuel to set
--- @usage Config.SetFuel(100)
Config.SetFuel = function(veh, fuel)
exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(veh, fuel)
--- Progress bar function (Client Side Only)
--- @param name string The name of the progress bar
--- @param label string The label of the progress bar
--- @param duration integer The duration of the progress bar
--- @param useWhileDead boolean The progress bar can be used while dead
--- @param canCancel boolean The progress bar can be cancelled
--- @param controlDisables table The controls to disable {disableMovement, disableCarMovement, disableMouse, disableCombat}
--- @param animation table The animation to play {animDict, anim, flags}
--- @param prop table The prop to show {prop, bone, x, y, z, xR, yR, zR}
--- @param prop2 table The prop to show {prop, bone, x, y, z, xR, yR, zR}
--- @param cb function The callback function
Config.ProgressBar = function(name, label, duration, useWhileDead, canCancel, controlDisables, animation, prop, prop2, cb, icon)
name = name,
duration = duration or 5000,
label = label,
useWhileDead = useWhileDead or false,
canCancel = canCancel or false,
controlDisables = controlDisables or {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
animation = animation or {},
prop = prop or {},
propTwo = prop2 or {}
}, function(cancelled)
local success = not cancelled -- Get if successfull then pass it through to function
end, icon)
name = name,
duration = duration or 5000,
label = label,
useWhileDead = useWhileDead or false,
canCancel = canCancel or false,
animation = animation or nil,
controlDisables = controlDisables or {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
}, function(cancelled)
local success = not cancelled -- Get if successfull then pass it through to function
end, icon)
exports["esx_progressbar"]:Progressbar(name, duration or 5000,{
FreezePlayer = controlDisables.disableMovement or true,
animation ={
type = "anim",
dict = animation.animDict,
lib =animation.anim
onFinish = function()
Config.RemoveStress = function(stress) -- Your remove stress event/export (Client) [Optional]
TriggerServerEvent("hud:server:RelieveStress", stress)
Config.RelieveThirst = function(n) -- Removes n amount of thirst (Client)
-- ESX
--TriggerClientEvent("esx_status:add", source, "thirst", n * 10000)
local QBCore = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
-- QBCore
TriggerServerEvent("consumables:server:addThirst", QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata.thirst + n)
Config.RelieveHunger = function(n) -- Removes n amount of hunger (Client)
-- ESX
--TriggerClientEvent("esx_status:add", source, "hunger", n * 10000)
local QBCore = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
-- QBCore
TriggerServerEvent("consumables:server:addHunger", QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData().metadata.hunger + n)
--- Server Side Functions
--- Add Money to Society
--- @param society string The society to add money to
--- @param amount integer The amount to add
--- @usage Config.AddMoneyToSociety("police", 100)
Config.AddMoneyToSociety = function(society, amount)
exports['qb-management']:AddMoney(society, amount)
ResourceName = GetCurrentResourceName()