
Server and Client side exports for your other scripts

Client Side

Check if player is a boss

-- Returns true if boss

Server Side

Adding/ Removing Money to Society Bank

-- Returns true when completed, else false if society does not exist
exports["ez_society"]:SocietyMoneyAdd(society, amount)

Here is the export to add or remove money from the society. To remove you need to make the amount negative. Below are some examples:

Removing 100 from police

exports["ez_society"]:SocietyMoneyAdd("police", -100)

Adding 100 to police

exports["ez_society"]:SocietyMoneyAdd("police", 100)

Checking society money balance

-- Returns amount of money when completed, else false if society does not exist
local money = exports["ez_society"]:SocietyMoney(society)

Here is the export to view money of a society. Here is an example:

local money = exports["ez_society"]:SocietyMoney("police")

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